This was a good one, if far too short-lived!
I'm afraid I might be the only kid who remembers this one.
20 years ago this goofy show about a really fat guy (Meatballs) and his
incredibly attractive (and thin) wife (Spaghetti) living in a mobile home while their erstwhile best-buddy Woofer (the veteran voice actor Frank Welker) borrowed money and more than a little food from the
Naturally, being an Eighties show, they went on a number of adventures
together, and there was always a good laugh.
What set this show apart was the fact that "Domestic Issues" reared their
heads very often, especially when Spaghetti would try to get Woofer and
Meatballs to help out around the place. In general the only thing that
could get them to wake up was a polite "Would you like some food,
It's also a lot of fun to listen to Frank Welker talk. Whether you know
or not, you've heard his voice in about a thousand cartoons. Probably best known as Fred from Scooby-Doo, he's also one of the guys who played Scooby-Doo himself, he did the voice of Megatron in Transformers, Mr. Mxyzptlk from Superfriends, and Iceman from Spiderman and his Amazing Friends (just to name a few of the hundreds). Frank is more than up to par here, and it's really funny to hear that voice become that of a "Stoner"
right up there with Otto from the Simpsons. You can almost smell the
smoke when he screams "PIG OUT!"
If anyone picks up this show for syndication or just a TV Special, you
should definitely check it out. It's a big laugh! I just wish it had lasted longer!
Meatballs and Spaghetti (1982) Reviewed by J.C. Maçek III who is solely responsible for this review and for his addiction to 1980s cartoons debuting on September 18, 1982!
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